#16 Opinion Local (Local Issue)

 Your voice matters!

     You've heard it again and again! "My vote doesn't matter, students too often say. Others even complain about how all politicians are the same and how to doesn't make a difference who wins. How can we as students encourage other students to register and vote? We have been told since elementary school that voting is an important right an duty to exercise. We all can't be happy with the way the world is going right now so its up to us to try and make a change. With that being said voting should be enforced more on college campuses. Pretty much every student in college are between the ages of 18-25. Preparing college students to practice voting in a robust democracy should be one of the core missions in higher education. According to Why college student voting matters?, "In the 2016 election, 48% of college students voted, a rate significantly lower than the national average for all Americans of 61%. They also stated " In  2014, only 13% of college students ages 18-24 voted. College students should voting now so it can become a lifelong habit. Here's a video of students from different colleges explaining why you should vote.                     vote. https://www.niche.com/blog/your-guide-to-voting-as-a-college-student/

     When I take a look at my own college campus, I hardly see anything about voting or anything encouraging students to vote. Young people have the power to make a difference! During election time we as students see different things about voting through every social media site. It's time to stop watching and take action! Next year I think it would be good for Southern Arkansas staff and students to come together and plan events and activities to encourage student voting. This is something that college campuses should make the new norm. Voting is not something that should be overlooked or not acknowledged. It is unfortunate that even after voting a few students still may not want to vote, but I would feel good knowing my University as a whole encouraged someone to vote and tried to help make a difference!


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