
Showing posts from November, 2020

#20 Visual Journalism

  My Track & Field Journey at SAU Track and Field doesn’t get as much recognition or hype as football or basketball would.  However, track is an extremely competitive sport and it's one of the only sports in which you compete against yourself. I have been running track ever since I was 10 years old. Being able to still run in college and being offered the opportunity to run track at Southern Arkansas University was a huge honor and blessing that I will forever cherish. From freshman year up until now my track career here at SAU has been an amazing journey. For my visual journalism presentation I decided to showcase what my track and field experience has been like so far here at SAU. Freshman Year 2018-2019        Coming in as a freshman, I was nervous about how I would perform. Here is a picture of my teammates and I at our first indoor track meet of the season in 2019. The man in the background happens to be our head coach!   Here's my teammates and I at our first outdoor

#19 Classmate Blog Critique

Throughout the entire course of assignments, I have always taken a look at my other classmate’s assignments just to get a good glimpse of what a "almost perfect" blog should look like. I have enjoyed reading and listening to every single one of my classmate’s blogs throughout this semester. There was one blog that completely grabbed all of my attention throughout this entire semester and it happened to be Sydney Wader! I was drawn to the level of consistency she had, her readily available pictures and videos, and her amount of effort that she put into each assignment. When you first open her blog she has pictures next to the title of the particular topic, which can already help readers feel engaged even before reading the actual blog. Before Sydney comes up with what her blog post is going to be about it seems as if she finds things to talk about that interest her. She implements her own sense of style into each one of her blog post. For example, for assignment #15 (Entertain

#18 News App Critique

  The Washington Post   After doing my research on the most popular news apps I wasn't surprised to have come across "The Washington Post". This is a news app that I have always stumbled across when doing research for position papers, media presentations and blogs! Every time I type in a quick google search about a political-based topic, “The Washington Post" always has a wide range of news. The Washington Post app can be described as an American daily newspaper. You can access this app on your smartphone or tablet. This app includes national and international content along with local news, weather, and arts. Furthermore, this app has a 4.7-star rating. All readers of The Washington Post app have access to a limited number of articles every month and people also have the option to sign up for newsletters which are delivered directly through mail. There are two subscriptions that readers have the option to choose from. The first subscription is "All-Access Digita

#17 Opinion ( State, National, International Issue)

The debate over gun control in Texas has been in progress for many years. There are many people who don't support control and many who do support it. I am a part of the portion of people that does not support gun violence, but I do support having a gun as a source of protection. Gun control in Texas is one of the most important issues that are of the greatest concern to many Texans. A numerous amount of people in Texas have to worry about accidents such as murders, robberies, suicides, and assaults which is where guns are used. According to researchers, every year the United States faces 1,000,000 accidents. For reasons like this is why many experts alarm to ban the use of guns. Gun control in Texas is tremendously important. People opinion shows that many people consider that in order to stop crime in Texas, gun control should be strengthened.     The most fundamental reason to legalize gun ownership in today's society would be for protection purposes. This may include self-pr

#16 Opinion Local (Local Issue)

  Your voice matters!      You've heard it again and again! "My vote doesn't matter, students too often say. Others even complain about how all politicians are the same and how to doesn't make a difference who wins. How can we as students encourage other students to register and vote? We have been told since elementary school that voting is an important right an duty to exercise. We all can't be happy with the way the world is going right now so its up to us to try and make a change. With that being said voting should be enforced more on college campuses. Pretty much every student in college are between the ages of 18-25. Preparing college students to practice voting in a robust democracy should be one of the core missions in higher education. According to  Why college student voting matters? , "In the 2016 election, 48% of college students voted, a rate significantly lower than the national average for all Americans of 61%. They also stated " In  2014, o